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European Gender and ICT March 2009 - Registration

Event Start: 
05/03/2009 - 09:00
Event End: 
07/03/2009 (All day)

*Registration Now Open*

5th European Symposium on Gender & ICT "Digital Cultures: Participation -- Empowerment -- Diversity"

*Early Bird Registration ends Januar 5, 2009*

Registration is now open for the 5th European Symposium on Gender & ICT: March 5 - 7 2009, University of Bremen, Germany. To register for the conference please consult:

Women Beyond the Age of 50

On Thursday 10th I will be travelling to Heidelberg, Germany to speak at a conference by the name: "Women 50 onwards. Between individual needs and social norms" My talk is called: "Draft, tell and show. Digital self/representations of older women" My main point is to show that the miss representation or non representation is political and as long as women do not have the knowledge and tools AND the zest to represent their individual selves these terms won't change. After reflecting on what isn't there, I hope to initiate an empowering selfrepresentation workshop to enable at least a small number of women beyond 50 to use digital tools (as filming, editing, converting/uploading) for their own work/ideas/hopes..

080808 UpStage Festival

080808, the second UpStage festival of online performance, will take place on 8 August 2008, featuring 15 performances by artists from around the world.

In what is becoming a tradition for UpStage festivals, the range of offerings sees shows from those produced by fledgling cyberformers [our youngest performer is 6!] through to shows by veterans of the digital stage.

Check out the range of performances for 080808, see if there is a RL access node near you [or offer one!] or from the comfort of your own computer join us for 080808 - oh can’t wait!

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