FACES - new media http://faces-l.net/F/taxonomy/term/145/0 F Bryne Rasmussen http://faces-l.net/F/content/bryne-rasmussen <p>Bryne Rasmussen is an artist from Chicago currently living in Los Angeles while working on an MFA in the Art and Technology program at the California Institute of the Arts.</p> Chicago interactive installations Los Angeles new media sound video Sun, 13 May 2012 23:05:43 +0000 Bryne 720 at http://faces-l.net teresavantwuijver http://faces-l.net/F/content/teresavantwuijver <p>Art may be using new technologies, new media or new contexts of exhibiting, however this does not essentially create ‘new art’. ‘New art’ asks for a new attitude towards what art actually is and what art actually does. ‘New art’ also asks for preliminary questions: Is there at present an urgency which calls for ‘new art’ and if so, can we determine what that is? My guess would be ‘yes’ to both questions. We are here, now, to find out.</p> Amsterdam intervention new media participatory Video; Political Art; Performance; Documentary Wed, 08 Feb 2012 10:02:58 +0000 teresavantwuijver 705 at http://faces-l.net Pascale Barret http://faces-l.net/F/content/pascale-barret <p>In Situ-&gt;video-&gt;drawing/ sound-&gt;text-&gt;performance/ virtual &amp; physical spaces/ avatars-&gt;identities-&gt;gender &amp; animal Studies-&gt;labo-science/ Gueer(Geek&amp;Queer)</p> <p>"Pascale Barret is a contemporary media artist working with emotions, interaction, intimacy...<br /> Her artistic research builds many links with the scientific research, numerical worlds (data, virtual geometries, avatars, physical and natural models …) and with the physical world and the individual.<br /> Her questions by this search approach topics such as the identity in the metaverse, the place of the body in technology, the representation of oneself in a virtual world, the interactions with mixed environments, presence and immersion, interface between body and technology."</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/content/pascale-barret">read more</a></p> Abstract &amp; physical spaces animal studies Art &amp; science Berlin Body Brussels butoh cyborg gender studies gueer martial art Montreal multi-identities Netart new media NYC Paris pascalebarret&amp;avatars Performance Art Visual Sun, 07 Feb 2010 16:57:13 +0000 pascalebarret 521 at http://faces-l.net Sokari Ekine http://faces-l.net/F/content/sokari-ekine <p>I am a social justice activist, blogger and researcher working on Africa and African Disapora issues relating to LGBTI, Gender, and Digital / Info Activism. I have been blogging for over 5 years and was one of the pioneers of Africans blogging on Africa. I am interested in the use of Web 2.0 and mobile phone technology for activism in the global south. I have just edited a book "SMS Uprising: Mobile phone activism in Africa" which is being published by Pambazuka Press.</p> <p>Other interests are poetry which breaks language, Afrobeat and stretching cords of music, experimental sound and film.</p> Gender &amp; Militarisation Lagos LGBTI London new media Port Harcourt Wed, 25 Nov 2009 09:16:20 +0000 Blacklooks 485 at http://faces-l.net Lucy Hg http://faces-l.net/F/node/296 <p><span class="inline inline-left"><a href="http://www.imaginaryscience.org"><img src="http://faces-l.net/F/system/files/images/LEAGUE_onscreen_0.thumbnail.jpg" alt="The League of Imaginary Scientists: members of the League" title="The League of Imaginary Scientists: members of the League" class="image image-thumbnail" width="138" height="150" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 136px;"><strong>The League of Imaginary Scientists: </strong>members of the League</span></span> As research coordinator for the League of Imaginary Scientists, Lucy Hg facilitates collaborative endeavors by an international community of creative scientists, mechanically-inclined artists, and absurdist inventors (think subterfuge meets centrifuge). Multidisciplinary projects by Lucy Hg and the League exhibit globally. Her catalog of Imaginary Science, consisting of animated diagrams of everyday life, was featured in Colombia’s celebration of the World Year of Physics in Bogotá in 2005.</p> <div class="image-clear"></div><p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/296">read more</a></p> bio-art global hybrid art hybrids interactive installation interdisciplinary research Los Angeles media art new media science and art The League of Imaginary Scientists Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:10:55 +0000 Lucy Hg 296 at http://faces-l.net Vibeke Jensen http://faces-l.net/F/node/227 <p>I am concerned with 'what is at stake' in a given public space, finding connections between subjectivity and the collective, micro-politics and macro-politics. My projects deal with breaking borders and boundaries, visualizing hidden power structures, and the relationships between openness and control. Trying to define a moment where something is put in motion, opens up and touches deep down.</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/227">read more</a></p> installation new media New York Norway public art public space urban interventions video Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:15:06 +0000 Vibeke Jens 227 at http://faces-l.net Aileen Derieg http://faces-l.net/F/content/aileen-derieg <p>I work as a translator in Linz, Austria, with an emphasis on contemporary art and new media. Mostly I translate exhibition catalogues and articles for art journals and academic publications, but my greatest interest is in understanding all the different layers of communication technologies, how we use them and how they influence us.</p> contemporary art Linz new media women&amp;tech Mon, 15 Dec 2008 11:48:53 +0000 Aileen 208 at http://faces-l.net