FACES - net.art http://faces-l.net/F/taxonomy/term/171/0 F lizvlx http://faces-l.net/F/node/292 <p>UBERMORGEN.COM is an artist duo created in Vienna, Austria, by Lizvlx and Hans<br /> Bernhard, a founder of etoy. Behind UBERMORGEN.COM we can find one of the most<br /> unmatchable identities – controversial and iconoclast – of the contemporary European<br /> techno-fine-art avant-garde. Their open circuit of conceptual art, drawing, software art, pixel-<br /> painting, computer installations, net.art, sculpture and digital activism (media hacking)<br /> transforms their brand into a hybrid Gesamtkunstwerk. UBERMORGEN.COM’s work is<br /> unique not because of what they do but because how, when, where and why they do it. The<br /> computer and the network are (ab)used to create art and combine its multiple forms. The<br /> permanent amalgamation of fact and fiction points toward an extremely expanded concept of</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/292">read more</a></p> actionist media art net.art St.Moritz Vienna Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:59:23 +0000 lizvlx 292 at http://faces-l.net Regina Célia Pinto http://faces-l.net/F/content/regina-c%C3%A9lia-pinto <p>Born in Rio de Janeiro, Regina Célia Pinto is a teacher, a researcher and an independent artist. As a researcher she has written a variety of academic works, including published scientific essays. As a visual artist, she has participated in several exhibitions and curated several.</p> <p>Her interest in new media art started in 1997. Since then she has lived, has loved and has believed in net.art. So that all her work as artist or curator is done for the web.</p> <p>The majority of her works shows her deep interest for cyberliterature.</p> cyberliterature media artst net.art photography Rio de Janeiro video writiing culture Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:17:26 +0000 pintor 221 at http://faces-l.net