Stefanie Wuschitz

Stefanie Wuschitz is a lecturer, researcher and media artist from Vienna. She graduated with honors from the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, and completed her Masters at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. During a Digital Art Fellowship in Sweden she coordinated the Eclectic Tech Carnival 2009 and founded Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory. At the moment she is a doctorate candidate at the University of Technology, Vienna, researching on women and trans artists in Syria, working with interactive technology.
Her art work has been presented among others at the following venues: the Austrian Cultural Forum (NYC), Galeria Hippolyte (Helsinki), Okno (Bruessels), Videonale (Bonn), Goethe Institut (Damascus), Arthall (Budapest), Worm (Rotterdam), Murberget (Härnösand), the Ars Electronica Festival (Linz), Transmediale (Berlin), TEDx (Bratislava).,, ,