FACES - Mexico City http://faces-l.net/en/taxonomy/term/268/0 en Nina Hoechtl http://faces-l.net/en/node/258 <p>The making of each work transforms the way I see myself and the world around me. Once I start engaging in the process of working I'm embarking as well upon a journey whose point of arrival is unkown to me. For me, intentions and preconceived ideas have a very limited role in the creative process. More fascinating are the impasses, the unexpected procedures, the accidents, the unwanted discoveries, as well as time wasted and useless moves. I'm thus working in different mediums, always looking for the one that is matching to mediate what I want to tell during the process of working. Out of a personal passion either I'm visiting people that fascinate me and talk with them or I'm inviting people to participate in the process of my projects.</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/en/node/258">read more</a></p> art artist installation intervention in public space Mexico City sound Vienna Sun, 11 Jan 2009 18:18:02 +0000 Nina Hoechtl 258 at http://faces-l.net