FACES - multimedia http://faces-l.net/en/taxonomy/term/556/0 en Katrina Nelson http://faces-l.net/en/node/441 <p>I am currently a BFA student at CSU, Chico with an option in Electronic Art and an emphasis in Multimedia. I have worked as a graphic design intern on campus for over two years now and am currently beginning my fifth year in school. I've been involved with many things throughout my college career, including studying abroad for a semester in Spain, being an active member on the waterski team, and various other clubs and organizations available on campus. I love art and am currently developing my personal theme and artist statement for my graduating exhibition I'll be having this spring. I am also developing my own personal website at the moment and will be uploading it here when it's completed and live.</p> art CA Chico design multimedia video Thu, 03 Sep 2009 00:37:50 +0000 katrinaenelson 441 at http://faces-l.net