FACES - interviews http://faces-l.net/F/taxonomy/term/1/0 F Berlinale Special - W.A.R. Women Art Revolution http://faces-l.net/F/content/berlinale-special-war-women-art-revolution <p>Interview and discussion with artist and filmmaker, Lynn Hershman Leeson &amp; Film producer Alexandra Chowaniec about feminist art practice and the film “Women Art Revolution.” On the Mic: Diana McCarty &amp; Barbara Muerdter.</p> <p>“Through intimate interviews, art, and rarely seen archival film and video footage, !Women Art Revolution reveals how the Feminist Art Movement fused free speech and politics into an art that radically transformed the art and culture of our times.”</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/content/berlinale-special-war-women-art-revolution">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/content/berlinale-special-war-women-art-revolution#comments Art feminism film history interviews revolution WAR women Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:54:25 +0000 dia 628 at http://faces-l.net Julie Martin from Stefanie Wuschitz on Vimeo. http://faces-l.net/F/content/julie-martin-stefanie-wuschitz-vimeo <p><iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/15853868" width="400" height="295" frameborder="0"></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/15853868">Julie Martin</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user585475">Stefanie Wuschitz</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> http://faces-l.net/F/content/julie-martin-stefanie-wuschitz-vimeo#comments history interviews Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:50:29 +0000 admin 596 at http://faces-l.net Grada Kilomba on Plantation Memories: herbstradio 99.1 FM Berlin http://faces-l.net/F/node/445 <p>Herbstradio is proud to broadcast an interview with Dr. Grada Kilomba on her recently published book, Plantation Memories: episodes of everyday racism. </p> <p>„Plantation Memories is a compilation of episodes exploring everyday racism. Linking postcolonial theory and lyrical narrative, the book provides a new and inspiring interpretation of everyday racism in the form of short stories.”(UNRAST 2008). </p> <p>Kilomba's literary work is a combination of academic writing and lyrical narrative, approaching remembered stories of slavery, colonialism and episodes of everyday racism.</p> <p>The interview will be broadcast in Berlin on Friday, September 4th at 17:00.</p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/445#comments academia interviews literature philosophy racism theory Thu, 03 Sep 2009 22:40:14 +0000 dia 445 at http://faces-l.net Kore Press And Literary Activism: an interview with Lisa Bowden http://faces-l.net/F/node/268 <p>Since 1993 Kore Press has been dedicated to publishing women's literary art. Situated in Tucson, Arizona, it embodies the spirit of "literary activism". Lisa Bowden, co-founder, poet and book designer talks about literary activism à la Kore-style, and what that entails in practice. She also discusses Kore's latest publication,<strong> Powder: Writing by Women in the Ranks, from Vietnam to Iraq.</strong> </p> <p>Read the interview here: <a href="http://displaced.blogs.com/kore/" title="http://displaced.blogs.com/kore/">http://displaced.blogs.com/kore/</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/268#comments feminism independent presses interview interviews Kore Press print media Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:15:42 +0000 Renee_Turner 268 at http://faces-l.net DIY sextoys, self portrait http://faces-l.net/F/content/diy-sextoys-self-portrait <p><span class="inline inline-none"><a href="/F/node/102"><img src="http://faces-l.net/F/system/files/images/h_strip2.img_assist_custom.jpg" alt="DIY sextoys" title="DIY sextoys" class="image image-img_assist_custom" width="397" height="107" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 395px;"><strong>DIY sextoys</strong></span></span><br /> It is Saturday morning in the squatted social center where I live (but not everywhere, as timezones will remind us). My housemate and project partner, the lovely Carla Peirano is fast asleep, and so is everyone else, so i will interview myself.</p> <p>O: Explain the project in a few words..</p> <div class="image-clear"></div><p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/content/diy-sextoys-self-portrait">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/content/diy-sextoys-self-portrait#comments interviews Sex Wed, 11 Jan 2006 23:00:00 +0000 admin 104 at http://faces-l.net Interview: VALIE EXPORT http://faces-l.net/F/node/80 <p>During the frenzied days of the Frieze Art Fair in London, in early October, I planned a visit to the recently renovated Camden Art Center, to see VALIE EXPORT, a traveling survey exhibition. The Camden Art Center was extremely hospitable and helpful to set up an interview with VALIE, and offered information and access to the exhibition curated by Caroline Bourgeois. </p> <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" /> <p></p> <p><strong>K: Who are your role models?</strong></p> <p> <strong>V: </strong>In the 60s, I first discovered the American scene...<br /> John Cage, Carolee Schneeman, Trisha Brown, and others. I was very happy<br /> to find out about this kind of work, and that it was happening. I read </p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/80">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/80#comments interviews Vali Export Tue, 06 Dec 2005 10:58:01 +0000 kathy.rae.huffman 80 at http://faces-l.net Interview with Shelbatra Jashari by Gabriela Babnik http://faces-l.net/F/node/101 <p>Shelbatra Jashari was born in Kosovo, since she was 11 years old she has lived in Belgium. Her short movie 'Kismet' (Turkish for Fate) reminds film lovers of the avantgard films of Maya Deren. In it she is playing with a islamic female identity and its representation in the West. The film was shown at the film festival in Rotterdam and awarded at the Courtisane film festival (Gent, Belgium).</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/101">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/101#comments City of Women 2005 interviews 16:15 Wed, 12 Oct 2005 22:00:00 +0000 admin 101 at http://faces-l.net Interview Afrirampo by Barbara Mlakar http://faces-l.net/F/node/99 <p>Barbara: What was the thing that made you really happy since you came to the festival or to Slovenia?<br /> Oni: Since we came to Slovenia I was very pleased to discover that ice cream is really cheap.<br /> Pikacyu: The fact that there were a lot of women here.<br /> <span class="inline inline-none"><img src="http://faces-l.net/F/system/files/images/221_afrirampo.preview.jpg" alt="Afrirampo" title="Afrirampo" class="image image-preview" width="350" height="233" /><span class="caption" style="width: 348px;"><strong>Afrirampo</strong></span></span><br /> fotos by Nada Žgank</p> <div class="image-clear"></div><p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/99">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/99#comments City of Women 2005 interviews 2:27 Afriram Sat, 08 Oct 2005 22:00:00 +0000 admin 99 at http://faces-l.net Interview with Anita Ponton by Aleksandra Ilić. http://faces-l.net/F/node/98 <p>More Information about Antia Pontons performance which took place on the 7th. October 2005 during the city of women.</p> <p>"In my performances I assume various iconic personae, creatures who are always situated as trapped, or on the edge of breaking down. They are not characters but personae, aspects of myself. I disappear as they emerge." (Anita Ponton)</p> <p>Fotos by Matje</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/98">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/98#comments City of Women 2005 interviews 4:04 Fri, 07 Oct 2005 22:00:00 +0000 admin 98 at http://faces-l.net Interview: Michelle Teran http://faces-l.net/F/node/81 <p /> <p /> <p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.faces-L.net/index.php?option=com_community&amp;Itemid=77&amp;t=d&amp;i=83">Michelle Teran</a>: <span style="font-style: italic;">(abstract from the members area)</span> </p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/F/node/81">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/81#comments communication interviews intimacy presence psychogeography social ritual surveillance Fri, 12 Aug 2005 11:02:02 +0000 admin 81 at http://faces-l.net