FACES - interview http://faces-l.net/F/taxonomy/term/289/0 F Kore Press And Literary Activism: an interview with Lisa Bowden http://faces-l.net/F/node/268 <p>Since 1993 Kore Press has been dedicated to publishing women's literary art. Situated in Tucson, Arizona, it embodies the spirit of "literary activism". Lisa Bowden, co-founder, poet and book designer talks about literary activism à la Kore-style, and what that entails in practice. She also discusses Kore's latest publication,<strong> Powder: Writing by Women in the Ranks, from Vietnam to Iraq.</strong> </p> <p>Read the interview here: <a href="http://displaced.blogs.com/kore/" title="http://displaced.blogs.com/kore/">http://displaced.blogs.com/kore/</a></p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/268#comments feminism independent presses interview interviews Kore Press print media Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:15:42 +0000 Renee_Turner 268 at http://faces-l.net