FACES - literature http://faces-l.net/F/taxonomy/term/563/0 F Grada Kilomba on Plantation Memories: herbstradio 99.1 FM Berlin http://faces-l.net/F/node/445 <p>Herbstradio is proud to broadcast an interview with Dr. Grada Kilomba on her recently published book, Plantation Memories: episodes of everyday racism. </p> <p>„Plantation Memories is a compilation of episodes exploring everyday racism. Linking postcolonial theory and lyrical narrative, the book provides a new and inspiring interpretation of everyday racism in the form of short stories.”(UNRAST 2008). </p> <p>Kilomba's literary work is a combination of academic writing and lyrical narrative, approaching remembered stories of slavery, colonialism and episodes of everyday racism.</p> <p>The interview will be broadcast in Berlin on Friday, September 4th at 17:00.</p> http://faces-l.net/F/node/445#comments academia interviews literature philosophy racism theory Thu, 03 Sep 2009 22:40:14 +0000 dia 445 at http://faces-l.net Grada Kilomba on Plantation Memories http://faces-l.net/F/node/443 http://faces-l.net/F/node/443#comments academia beautiful feminism literature racism unsorted Thu, 03 Sep 2009 22:36:35 +0000 dia 443 at http://faces-l.net