FACES - shopping cart urban screen architectural media screen http://faces-l.net/en/taxonomy/term/143/0 en Add to Cart http://faces-l.net/en/node/207 <p>Add to Cart is an urban-screen project that deals with the methods and techniques of advertising and selling in contemporary consumer culture. The screen will display the icon of a shopping cart as it appears on the “add to cart” button used on retail sites throughout the Internet. This icon has become a universal symbol of “the purchase.” The icon will undergo a panoply of stock effects used in electronic billboard advertising--bright, shifting colors; pulsating lights; jittery, hyperkinetic animation effects. The forms of commerce will appear, but entirely emptied of content.</p> <p><a href="http://faces-l.net/en/node/207">read more</a></p> http://faces-l.net/en/node/207#comments shopping cart urban screen architectural media screen Sun, 14 Dec 2008 19:21:49 +0000 Claire Jervert 207 at http://faces-l.net