FACES - source
enNo Men's Land Composition Nr. 518 - Source
<p> >>>>> <a href="http://faces-l.net/en/node/325">VIEW ABSTRACT IMAGE</a> <<<<< </p>
<p>This is the source photo of composition nr. 518 of the No Men's Land series by <a href="http://faces-l.net/en/user/72">Cym</a>. The photo was taken at Neusiedler See, the border between Austria and Hungary, during a workshop 'Niemandsland' by Alien Productions in summer 2004. This artwork is part of the award winning netart project '<a href="http://nomensland.eu/">No Men's Land</a>' in which cym creates HTML tables from border situations in Central Europe.</p>
<p>View the original photo at <a href="http://nomensland.eu/2007/518-src.html" title="http://nomensland.eu/2007/518-src.html">http://nomensland.eu/2007/518-src.html</a></p>
http://faces-l.net/en/node/326#commentsnomenslandsourceunsortedweb artMon, 23 Feb 2009 13:30:19 +0000cym326 at http://faces-l.net