FACES - classification http://faces-l.net/en/taxonomy/term/453/0 en Site Investigation http://faces-l.net/en/node/351 <p><a href="http://thing.net/~vibekeie/siteinvestI04.htm">Equation Shield</a>, site view, urban intervention, Trondheim<br /> LED sign, steel shield, poles, concrete base. Dimensions: 150x250x90 cm</p> <p>AVSLØRT = (unveiled)<br /> A round shield sited in front of the Trondheim Public Library. Legal and everyday terms and classifications of people, places and acts are displayed continuously while the shield mirrors passers-by and the surroundings.</p> http://faces-l.net/en/node/351#comments classification control FACES intervention shield Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:25:56 +0000 Vibeke Jens 351 at http://faces-l.net