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0:57 minutes (897.59 KB)

Turp Girl: a faces adventure

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48.79 MB

The miracle of turpentine. How to know REAL ART--when you smell it.

Interview with Shelbatra Jashari by Gabriela Babnik

16:15 minutes (14.88 MB)

Shelbatra Jashari was born in Kosovo, since she was 11 years old she has lived in Belgium. Her short movie 'Kismet' (Turkish for Fate) reminds film lovers of the avantgard films of Maya Deren. In it she is playing with a islamic female identity and its representation in the West. The film was shown at the film festival in Rotterdam and awarded at the Courtisane film festival (Gent, Belgium).

Interview Afrirampo by Barbara Mlakar

2:27 minutes (2.25 MB)

Barbara: What was the thing that made you really happy since you came to the festival or to Slovenia?
Oni: Since we came to Slovenia I was very pleased to discover that ice cream is really cheap.
Pikacyu: The fact that there were a lot of women here.
fotos by Nada Žgank

Interview with Anita Ponton by Aleksandra Ilić.

4:04 minutes (3.73 MB)

More Information about Antia Pontons performance which took place on the 7th. October 2005 during the city of women.

"In my performances I assume various iconic personae, creatures who are always situated as trapped, or on the edge of breaking down. They are not characters but personae, aspects of myself. I disappear as they emerge." (Anita Ponton)

Fotos by Matje

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