
Fanny Natacha Guillaut

My name is Fanny Guillaut, I'm currently Engagement Manager for moves, a festival of experimental short films and screen-based art with a special focus on movement (, based in Manchester (UK) and steadily expaning to national and international scale.

My previous experience is in education and music festivals, so I would like to join faces to learn about new media and network with professionals.

Linda Pilgrim

visual versus verbal articulation, color, international encounters and understanding, language, line, collaboration, solitude, misunderstandings, "American" culture, women and "American" culture, cities, suburbia, community, isolation, desolation, motivation, inertia, HOPE, Obama phenonmenon

Tracey Meziane Benson

For many years, I have focused on notions of national identity, tourism, borders and identity as themes within my creative practice. Since 1995, I have been working with the www and digital video installation and have participated in: Luminous Green 2008; ANAT Open Source Lab 2007; ISEA2008; AOIR 2006; ISEA2004; Siggraph 2001; N5M4, Amsterdam 2003; N5M3; MAAP’99 and MAAP2000. In 2007, I co-founded the Canberra chapter of dorkbot with Alexandra Gillespie and was a moderator on the internationally renowned new media list –empyre- from 2005-07. My web site has been online for over 10 years and is part of the Natioanl Library of Australia's Pandora archive.

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