media activism

Anne Roth


I'm a media activist, blogger, journalist, translator, mother of two and since July '07 mostly known for being the partner of Andrej Holm who was arrested in our home for being terrorist. Two months later I started blogging about living with an anti-terror investigation. When being the focus of this calmed down a bit I started writing more about the War against Terror in general, issues of surveillance, data protection, civil rights, but also media and web 2.0.

Apart from all this (or: in my former life) I'm interested and involved in sharing knowledge with women about technology. Networks I'm involved in include Eclectic Tech Carnival" and the Genderchangers.

Nancy Mauro-Flude

Nancy Mauro-Flude [1975 - *]

Performing artist working with experimental media in fine art and theatre contexts.
Based in Tasmania.

Artistic practice revolves around the combinations of bricolage, metaphysics and Linux computing. This research is based in speculative experimentation with performance, bricolage and electronic media.

reni hofmueller

i have been working in the field of (new) technologies since long, i am a very DIY and DIT person, i really enjoy hanging out with geeks, soldering new units or trying out a performance scetch made by somebody else, i strongly believe in exchange and in collaboration.

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