Faces-l.net offline on 8.02.2013


A small but important info about our running website under www.faces-l.net. As the version of the system (Drupal 5) is meanwhile old and has some security issues we can't fix, we have to take it down until the new stable version I want to use for the FACES website (Drupal Commons) is available, which will be in march.

I will be able to secure your login data but not the content of your profile page. (Its too much work to be honest)

Please have a look on your own profile page and in the case you want to keep it just save the content of your page in in a text file and save it on your computer until we are ready for a new start.

Faces-l.net will be available until Friday 8th 10:00 am.

Berlinale Special - W.A.R. Women Art Revolution

WAR Graphic Novel image by Spain

Interview and discussion with artist and filmmaker, Lynn Hershman Leeson & Film producer Alexandra Chowaniec about feminist art practice and the film “Women Art Revolution.” On the Mic: Diana McCarty & Barbara Muerdter.

“Through intimate interviews, art, and rarely seen archival film and video footage, !Women Art Revolution reveals how the Feminist Art Movement fused free speech and politics into an art that radically transformed the art and culture of our times.”

Waiting for a stable release of Drupal Commons

Soon Faces is getting a new Face! The only thing I am waiting for is a stable release of Drupal Commons.

Enables organizations to quickly create online social communities for both collaboration and content delivery. New features in Version 3.0 include a completely rebuilt user experience, deeper mobile support, and bolstered analytics capabilities for enhanced moderator productivity.

European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck 18-22 April 2012

A program of works by Shelly Silver will be featured, we can't wait!

EMAF is one of the most influential forums of international Media Art. As a meeting point for artists, curators, distributors, galleries and an audience of experts the festival has a great impact on the topics and aesthetics of Media Art. Each year the festival offers its visitors a current overview of experimental films, installations, performances, digital formats and hybrid forms, ranging from personal and political subjects or formal experiments to provocative statements from the pulsating area of “Media Art – Society”. The Festival sees itself as a place of experimentation and a laboratory where extraordinary works, experiments and ventures are created and presented.

Faces meeting at ISEA

Event Start: 
17/09/2011 - 18:30

Any Faces who are at ISEA, and other interested women who would like to meet & network & relax, are welcome to join us this evening at 6.30pm at the Nuru-Ziya Suites (http://isea2011.sabanciuniv.edu/location/nuru-ziya-suites).

TransLife Exhibition at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing

Event Start: 
26/07/2011 - 07:00
Event End: 
17/08/2011 - 06:00

Marlena Novak participates in the TransLife Exhibition at the National Art Museum of China with the interactive interspecies project 'scale' in collaboration with composer Jay Alan Yim and neurobiologist Malcolm MacIver.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS for Waterwheel Launch

Event Start: 
03/08/2011 - 04:00
Event End: 
12/08/2011 - 15:59
WATERWHEEL launch 22 August

This is a call for proposals for performances/presentations (of 5minutes each maximum) for the launch of WATERWHEEL - with a deadline for proposals of 12 AUGUST 2011. The entire performance/presentation program will be no longer than 30-45min.

WATERWHEEL, a new online platform exploring ‘water’ as a topic and metaphor, will be launched on 22 August, in Brisbane (Australia) AND will take place live online on the TAP at 6.30pm - find your time http://tinyurl.com/waterwheel-launch - Media release in attachment.


Event Start: 
12/05/2011 - 18:00
Event End: 
25/06/2011 - 20:00


ANTWERPEN ( Belgium)
37 Volkstraat

IRL: In Real Life Conference at the Irish Museum of Contemporary Art: goo.gl/WLdJe

Event Start: 
14/07/2011 - 10:00
Event End: 
15/07/2011 - 06:00

IRL 2011 is a survey and enquiry into the questions and challenges posed in the bleeding edge of research and practices of a wide range of fields, all at the intervenience of identity and technology; is an interdisciplinary dialogue between artists, scientists, engineers, socio-political activists, hackers and others pushing beyond the typical, stereotyped or engineered boundaries and limits to lifestyles, technologies, practices and systems to explore what is possible today. Guest speakers for the 2-day conference held July 14& 15th include trans-activist and writer Kate Bornstein (Thursday) and Dr. Henrik Scharfe with his geminoid project (Friday).

More information and Register at http://imoca.ie/imoca2/wordpress/exhibitions/irl-in-real-life-2011/

Cyberfeministinnen und Girls on Web - ein Generationengespräch

Event Start: 
15/04/2011 - 15:00
Event End: 
15/04/2011 - 16:00

Der neue Feminismus im Netz ist unübersehbar. Weltweit entstehen namhafte feministische Blogs, mit der Mädchenmannschaft gibt es ein wichtiges deutschsprachiges Portal, dazu eine Vernetzung durch die Facebook Gruppe “Girls on Web Society” mit über 500 Mitgliedern. Mit dem Buch “Wir Alphamädchen” wurde 2008 der Grundstein für die zweite Welle gelegt.

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