
IRL: In Real Life Conference at the Irish Museum of Contemporary Art:

Event Start: 
14/07/2011 - 10:00
Event End: 
15/07/2011 - 06:00

IRL 2011 is a survey and enquiry into the questions and challenges posed in the bleeding edge of research and practices of a wide range of fields, all at the intervenience of identity and technology; is an interdisciplinary dialogue between artists, scientists, engineers, socio-political activists, hackers and others pushing beyond the typical, stereotyped or engineered boundaries and limits to lifestyles, technologies, practices and systems to explore what is possible today. Guest speakers for the 2-day conference held July 14& 15th include trans-activist and writer Kate Bornstein (Thursday) and Dr. Henrik Scharfe with his geminoid project (Friday).

More information and Register at

Deadline Extension for IRL 2011: In Real Life

Event Start: 
31/03/2011 - 10:00

Deadline Extension and Final Call for Papers, Panels, Workshops and Presenters:

IRL 2011: In Real Life
Challenging, Changing and Hacking Practices of Human-Being
Hosted by the Irish Museum of Contemporary Art [IMOCA]
International Conference July 13, 14 ,15; Exhibition opens Friday July 15th


IRL 2011: In Real Life is an interdisciplinary dialogue between artists, scientists, engineers, socio-political activists, hackers and others pushing beyond the typical, stereotyped or engineered boundaries and limits to lifestyles, technologies and systems to challenge what is possible today. Guest speakers include Dr. Henrik Scharfe and his geminoid project and activist Kate Bornstein

IRL 2011: In Real Life exhibition and conference

Event Start: 
13/07/2011 - 01:01

Challenging, Changing and Hacking Practices of Human-Being
Hosted by the Irish Museum of Contemporary Art [IMOCA]
Conference July 13, 14 ,15; Exhibition opens Friday July 15th

Reality Shifting – Part 1: Rezzing @ _Augmentology 1[L]0[L]1_

A consideration of parallels between switching genders/bodies and switching realities...

Reality Shifting – Part 1: Rezzing - Read the rest, with video, @

“There are many worlds and many realities in our universe. When one reality, or one world-view is superimposed on another, it is inevitable that social, economic and cultural problems arise. Hierarchies of worlds are constructs of a bygone era. Ecologies of worlds should guide us in considering our future… We can begin by designing environments that can respond to physical, environmental, or social needs. Not only the needs of human beings, but also of the organisms and elements with whom we share the Biosphere.” –

Rezzing occurs in the space in-between worlds. Rezzing happens in the moment we switch from one reality to another: where the structure of synthetic worlds is unveiled. We see these spaces appear gradually – textures, alpha channels and audio appear in layers. Forms start as simple grey patterns that morph and evolve via emergent detail. These patterns resolve as final forms that adhere to in-game physics and flop into “place”.

Read the rest @

Artivistic TURN*ON Transdisciplinary Festival

Event Start: 
15/10/2009 (All day)
Event End: 
18/10/2009 - 08:00
Artivistic TURN ON : international transdisciplinary three-day gathering on the interPlay between art, information and activism

The world to come is so sexy.

We are unstoppable for we are fueled with an incredible urge to embrace the pleasure provided by difference, exchange and liberation. Our actions today are charged with an energy that is animated by the rise of change and a movement that is simply irresistible.

For its upcoming fourth edition, Montreal-based festival Artivistic is going sexy. From October 15 to 17, 2009, we invite participants to discuss, question, and imagine the proxemics of sexuality, technology and politics.

While keeping issues of power and control in question, we want to turn to the potency of pleasure, curiosity, humor, and desire in order to TURN*ON that which has yet to be thought and experienced differently.

Body Meets Brain: Gender, Science and Technology

Event Start: 
09/06/2009 - 09:00

Das Referat Genderforschung an der Universität Wien freut sich,
folgende Veranstaltung anzukündigen:

9. Juni 2009
Body Meets Brain: Gender, Science and Technology

Interdisziplinärer Workshop und Abendvortrag
Aula, Campus der Universität Wien,
Hof 1, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien

Women Beyond the Age of 50

On Thursday 10th I will be travelling to Heidelberg, Germany to speak at a conference by the name: "Women 50 onwards. Between individual needs and social norms" My talk is called: "Draft, tell and show. Digital self/representations of older women" My main point is to show that the miss representation or non representation is political and as long as women do not have the knowledge and tools AND the zest to represent their individual selves these terms won't change. After reflecting on what isn't there, I hope to initiate an empowering selfrepresentation workshop to enable at least a small number of women beyond 50 to use digital tools (as filming, editing, converting/uploading) for their own work/ideas/hopes..

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