
Diana McCarty

I was born and raised in New Mexico and have lived in Europe since 1993 - Budapest in 90's and Berlin in the 2000s. I am a co-founder of the faces mailing list and a happy collaborator of the Prologue: New Feminism New Europe project. Watch out for Tallin!

Most of my time is spent working with a few radio projects, mostly in Berlin - at present, and In the past, it was Radio 1:1, and Juniradio. And, not to forget, a founding member of the network of cultural radios!

Ushi ur Reiter


Us(c)hi Reiter studied graphic and design at the Kunstuniverstät Linz. As artist and web developer with a special interesst in net.activism and audio-visual communication she has been collaborating with different groups and artists since 1998.

She continues to research Free/Libre/Open Source Software in the frame of cultural production and art as well as work on conceptual and performative setups using electronic and analog media.

Since June 2005 Reiter runs the non-profit cultural backbone organisation & Kultur im Netz. (

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